Conteúdos Programáticos:
- The Customer Service Process
- Premises of good quality customer service
- Communication in customer service
- Customer service techniques
- Complaint Management
The sociodemographic changes that have been recorded in recent years have led to profound changes in the area of customer service. Customer service is currently considered an essential tool for the success of organizations and marks the difference between the success or failure of most products and services and the survival, or not, of a company, in the face of competition that is increasingly fast and aggressive. Recent investigations have shown that the experience provided by a brand is as important as the quality of its products and/or services, being that communication and interpersonal relationships are essential in this process. An effective and competent communication process leads to excellent customer service, which results in sustained relationships of trust amongst the customers and this is the key to the success of Organizations. "The customer is not always right, but... he is always emotional!" (Paulo Guerra, 2010)